Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tweets of the German party "SPD"

The Twitter-account of the German party “SPD” is quite active. At some days they tweet more than ten times. But that’s is not such a big miracle, as tweeting the links to your own webside is not the biggest exercise. I guess that twittering is a popular duty for trainees. Probably they copy & paste the sentence “*… in an interview with *” and then they complete with names as Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Andreas Nahles or anyone else and the medium “FAS” “spiegel online” or “SZ”.

Unfortunately, the account stays quite anonymous, it is not clearly to see, who is actually twittering. From my point of view, you have to see some faces behind the account to be able to communicate and participate.

To be fair, the SPD also tweets articles from their followers, but mainly from their own members or local organizations. What is missing, is the participation of followers. Why don’t they ask their followers for their opinion on the subjects they tweet? Only one time the last few days they asked if any follower has blogged something about an SPD-subject.

At least they use some hashtags for popular subjects as #zensursula, #Dioxin or #HartzIV.

“Pr-Blogger” has also published his impression of the SPD-Twitter-Account. He criticizes that the party responds too seldom to followers.

Another useful link: gives a live-overview of current tweets of every party and also of their politicians. At the moment Sven Kindler of the Green party tweets: “Nice interview in the Spiegel-magazine about Castor, protests and democracy”. And on the other hand you can see the reaction of an FDP-member directly to Sven Kindler: “For this stuff, the Spiegel is always good”. 

By Ger_Watch

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