Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fake profiles: Take a look at "Westerwave" on Twitter

On the homepage it is possible to ask for the online reputation of every German politician. How active is Angela Merkel on Twitter? How many fans has family secretary Kristina Schröder on Facebook, and has she even an account?

The most surprising result during research is the fact: Nearly every politician has a twitter-account. Even more surprising: Most of them are fake-accounts. They are not always funny and do not exist for a long time, as the one from labour secretary Ursula von der Leyen. On the other hand, the fake-twitter-account of the famous foreign secretary Guido Westerwelle is a big success: Nearly eleventhousand followers read his tweets. Two days ago, he twittered: “Souregg. Justin Beaver is 7th in the list of the 50 populariest women – and I not. I need a better searchmaschinemarketing”. Obviously, the account makes fun, of Westerwelle’s not-existing English-skills. “My speech at the threekingsmeeting walks good. ‘Who wants to lead a land must be ready to hecarry thirstparcourses.” Highlight is definitely the name for German chancellor “Merkel” as “remindel”, get the translation?, or secretary “Brüderle” as “Littlebrother”? And do you get who is “GoodMountain”, “Stonemeggy” or “Seafarmer”?

Obviously, most of the posts are only “fun”, but nearly every current political subject is mentioned: “Forge now a plan to find the pussthrow and to pay it this slick-dry-blowed babblebag From and to Goodmountain sowhat from back! #wikileaks“.One more tip: If you want to read as many Guido-Westerwelle-accounts as possible, type in “Guido Westerwelle” and find eleven other profiles.
by Ger_watch

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