Obviously, not everything's bad about German politicians on Facebook, Twitter or Youtube. Maybe, the German mentality does not even want blogging politicians and an enthusiasm towards politicians as it could be seen during Obama's election. But I personally think that it is important to improve the online performance as there are less and less young voters.
Now, enough from this theoretical thinking. In the end, I'll show you some online statistics and articles which weren't included on the last eleven posts, but are worth mentioning.
1) Welt Online has just written yesterday about a current study of the university Ilmenau. Therefore, only one third of all politicians, which have a Facebook-account, is communicating several times a week, only a fifth is reacting on other users.
2) On this link, you can see, the ten politicians with the most followers. Number one is Kristina Schröder (simply scroll back to the post), numer two is Jörg Tauss (former SPD-politician, on whose server were found child-pornography for "research" as he says) an number three is young Julia Klöckner (CDU), who wants to become state premier of Rheinland-Pfalz.
3) An interesting article: Author Tobias Moorstedt argues that German politicians should not try to copy the Obama style and that he can't understand the tone of German newspapers who make fun of the online performance.
4) We have made fun of politicians of Twitter, but of course, there are also people making fun of Twitter. Watch "Klaas" from MTV home.
5) And if you don't know what Facebook is, watch this video.Don't be scared of the creepy voice;)
By Ger_Watch